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2/19/2024 1:30:58 AM

Have weapon foundry emblems been dropping from Banshee since his rework? Veist, Hakke, Omolon, and Suros are supposed to have emblems available.

I want to obtain the emblems for Veist, Hakke, and the others, but I'm not sure if they're still dropping. And whether they come from the main reward track or from decrypting new gunsmith engrams. I've reached prestige 3 and decrypted about 100 new gunsmith engrams without seeing any of the 4 emblems. Yes, I know RNG can be cruel. Has anybody received one of these recently? IMO, they should be purchaseable from Banshee for maybe 10 gunsmith engrams each, or linked to a triumph for dismantling 100 guns from that foundry.



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