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由Beans编辑: 4/7/2024 4:27:52 PM

'Seasonal Depression' |Friendly community| Active raiding & PvE|

**Update: clan is at capacity, if you are interested in joining feel free to message me and I can invite you next time we get some openings!** I bare grave news. As it turns out, Bungie was the darkness all along. Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the live service industry and Bungie itself. Things may seem grim, but guardians are strongest when they stand together, and I'd like you to stand with us. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, we have members who are happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. Our goal is to create a fun and supportive environment where players can enjoy all that Destiny 2 has to offer. I've been able to get a few titles since joining the clan and I've made some amazing friends along the way. 'Seasonal Depression' not only understands the turbulence and unpredictability of real life, but also the morbid clown fiesta that is Destiny 2's seasonal content model. We tend to be far more active on weekends, as many of us are adults with our own schedules across many different time zones. Join via discord, we hope to see you there! Together we'll navigate the ups and downs of Destiny 2, finding humor in the quirkiest and most depressingly comical moments! 😅🌌



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