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4/2/2024 10:14:01 PM

How to Revive Gambit

This horse may have been beaten to death, but I’d like to kick it a little more – Gambit is supposed to be one of the core pillars alongside Vanguard and Crucible activities, but it has been nearly entirely left behind. A big reason for leaving it behind has been the community’s exhaustion with the mode – same maps, same bosses, same enemies. I’d like to explore how we can change that. Vanguard is fundamentally where you fight the enemies of the last city, i.e. aliens, led by Zavala who is most concerned with protection for his people. Crucible is where you fight other guardians, led by Shaxx the Warlord who fought other Lightbearers. Gambit is supposed to be the mix between the two, fighting not only aliens but Lightbearers as well, led by The Drifter who did likewise in The Dark Age. Gambit has thus far been pigeonholed into this “Kill, then bank motes, and burn the boss.” Vanguard and Crucible have alternative game modes, why not Gambit? Gambit is the only node with a single game type, and this could be easily fixed. To fulfill the fundamental mode of combat of Gambit, kill Guardians and aliens, I have ideas – not good ideas, but ideas all the same. The upcoming Onslaught mode is a great example of how this could work – a Crucible map with an objective to complete while being swarmed by ads. Imagine playing a match of Countdown, but in addition to the Guardians running around, the defenders have Hive backing them up and the attackers have Eliksni. Imagine, you’re loading into a match and your team votes on the ads you’d have fighting by you; you have a Hive Knight casting a barrier while you revive a teammate, or a vandal sniper weakening your opponent before you take them down. For all new modes, you could even go so far as to make a Destiny MOBA mode! I am no game designer, so my ideas are bad, but what about the rest of the community? What about the many talented people at the studio? When you broaden the horizons from “Bank those motes, brother” to ‘fight Guardians and aliens at the same time’, you get a lot more options. What ideas do you have?



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  • Some of the larger maps seem like they'd be perfect for this idea. As far as the gameplay features, Bungie could probably come up with a lot of cool ideas for summoning or triggering certain kinds of assaults. Gambit could really be anything, and it should definitely try to grow beyond mote banking if it ever gets a major refresh. I would personally like to have a rare opportunity to blow the whole opposite team up somehow, even if they respawn.



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