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4/19/2024 10:52:06 PM

Looking for Suggestions: I Have Too Many Guns

It seems absurd that I have something like 400 guns and feel like I don't have enough room, and yet random rolls and the impossibility of retrieving items makes it feel impossible to keep enough vault space for all the different archetypes of weapons. I wasn't expecting this to be a problem; I'm surprised as many of my guns from when I stopped playing (Beyond Light) are still usable now. I have a vault full of guns and a fairly large pile of engrams and little idea of how to decide what's worth preservation, let alone what to do with any new drops. It was easy to pare down my armor with the removal of elemental attunement, but I don't know how to keep making room in my arsenal and would welcome advice. I've only been back for about a month, so there's a lot to take in. I imagine that the things I will need in The Final Shape will differ from what I need right now, but I don't really know how to plan for that. I don't know what I'll need and so I don't really know how to decide what's not worth keeping.



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  • I try (tried at least, I’ve barely played in the last year and can’t be bothered to vault manage) to keep at most 1-2 of each archetype for PvE and maybe 1 each for PvP. There’s a few exceptions (way too many kinetic 140 handcannons in this game for me to only keep a couple), but that keeps my vault with a hundred extra slots or so



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