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由iTrashPanda编辑: 4/28/2024 10:51:55 AM

(NA)(Crossplay)(18+)Saints of Valor LF new players.

We're a small clan just starting up, and wanting to help out as much as possible. We can offer sherpa runs, guided raids, endgame content, and much more. Our community also host other people who play different games, and not just Destiny. We use discord as communication. Please read the rules below, and send me a message saying you'd like to join, or reply here. CODE OF CONDUCT 1: Must be 18+ to join SOV no exceptions. 2: If caught hacking or tampering is an automatic dismissal from SOV. 3: SOV will not tolerate any racism, harassment, hate speech of any kind this will be enforced by a 3 strike policy. 4: No member left behind when dealing with a situation. 5: SOV member must always work together on projects and movements no acceptions. 6: When bringing someone into SOV make sure you don’t just leave them all members new or old are the most valuable asset around.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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