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由RedTwinGamer编辑: 4/27/2024 3:17:22 AM

Reroll Masterworks like in the old days.

Back in year one of Destiny 2 we used to be able to reroll a weapons masterwork to fit our needs, but with the introduction of random rolls in forsaken, bungie left that feature behind. From what I could gather Bungie removed the feature since they thought it would be too strong at the time. But today I think most people would say that the perk pools have become so polluted that getting the perfect combination of weapon perks almost feels like a miracle, but adding another layer of RNG on top of that can sometimes make certain combos impossible to obtain. And some can even make or break a weapon, a weapon like the Mountaintop becomes useless if it gets a "Blast radius" Masterwork since it makes the weapon weaker, or a velocity master work that just becomes a dead masterwork. I would love to see Bungie give us the power to change a masterwork back but at a high price. could be something like 1 ascendant alloy to get a random masterwork or 40 spoils of conquest and 1 ascendant alloy to choose the Masterwork. I would love to hear what you guys think, would it be a good idea to bring back the rerolls?



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