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5/5/2024 12:08:26 PM

Into the Light Changes

Not gonna Sugar-coat this post, just say it as it is- Into the Light has been fun, I've enjoyed Onslaught, I've enjoyed Whisper and Pantheon, but the brave weapon farming is atrocious and some of the waves in onslaught are super difficult to complete without a competent 3 man squad, and since I'm doing the low effort option of doing waves with blueberries I feel a few changes may be in need. My Proposed Changes - Galvanised needs to be removed as a modifier, considering enemies become tougher as the waves go on, there's no need to buff enemies that are already getting tougher over time, the ability to stun certain enemies with concentrated fire is one of the best things this game does to feeling somewhat realistic (a captain shouldn't be walking fine when an Ikelos Shotgun is fired into it's face) - Tormentors need a slight health reduction, as a wave 49 Tormentor + Heavy Shanks is super difficult to get through (In my opinion low wave tormentors are fine, but high waves one's should be adjusted ) - More Batteries need to be dropped or give them a boost to how much they heal, since batteries are now used up on defence repairs, we need better batteries or more batteries -Enemies need to aggro on players that get in their face, while they move towards the ADU. too many times has a heavy shank just floated by me and gone to the ADU when I'm in it's face firing a into it's mouth//visor -Trophies need to drop in higher amounts outside of onslaught, if I'm running a raid or dungeon, I should be able to get 10 trophies per encounter, being able to earn weapons OUTSIDE of onslaught is what will make into the light from a good update to a great update, -Upon Completion of wave 50, players should be able to get 1 guaranteed Brave weapon, 2 for Legend, shouldn't need to explain this, brave weapons are gone in a month's time so respect the player base's time when they want to farm these limited time weapons from this game mode -ThunderCrash's Impact Registration may need to tune up, was sliding off of Brigs and Barrier Champions when I used T-Crash with Cuirass, so may be worth having a look at This next one is a personal belief of mine but- - Shaxx should be Resettable so we can gain a burst of Trophies from him every few levels aside from these nit picks, I generally feel the Devs have made Into The Light one of the best updates we've ever had, Congratulations to Everyone Involved, let's hope Final Shape and our first 3 Episodes follow suit



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  • I actually like that they gave solo players or people that would rather do normal an opportunity to play Onslaught in a more challenging state. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that you beat every time and its been interesting this week to see the difference between people on my team that knew what they were doing and the ones that weren't very prepared. I fall somewhere in the middle. Definitely had my "whoops I did not think the game would try that hard when I've made it to level 49" moment or similar. So as a low effort player myself, its been interesting. I will refrain from going into anything having to do with what should constitute "low effort" when playing PvP. [quote]More Batteries need to be dropped or give them a boost to how much they heal[/quote] The batteries definitely seem like they could use a buff after the changes. People not throwing them has been an immediate sign the team I'm on is about to lose this week. [quote]- Tormentors need a slight health reduction[/quote] I think some people that you can be matchmade with don't really pay attention to the fact that they get stronger near the end, so it feels like a surprise how quickly the difficulty can change sometimes. [quote]too many times has a heavy shank just floated by me and gone to the ADU when I'm in it's face firing[/quote] The enemy behavior has been funny to watch sometimes. "Heavy shank got other plans." [quote]-Upon Completion of wave 50, players should be able to get 1 guaranteed Brave weapon[/quote] The drop rates this week do appear to have gotten stingier. Just from playing and reading posts on here. That stuff always goes up and down though. [quote]- Shaxx should be Resettable so we can gain a burst of Trophies from him every few levels[/quote] I do wish Shaxx could be resettable but that might be more effort than it looks like and Final Shape is a month away. Other than that I agree that its been pretty cool to see people playing it and it makes me feel pretty confident that what's coming in Final Shape will be really good as well.



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