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5/9/2024 3:58:17 PM

Early Feedback for The Pantheon

How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?



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  • Idk what people are complaining about. All of these raid encounters existed for a long time and the raid encounters just have simple twists on them. They are hard enough to just be exciting again. I personally think they are fun. If you never raided before then you gotta put some time in and learn the encounters. If you don’t want to spend the time to learn than don’t but don’t demand my experience be ruined by taking the challenge out.



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  • Bug on week 3 pantheon, I completed all encounter with platinum score and was unable to collect any exotic from it. Earned the Double-Edges triumph. What gives? Pantheon overall is really fun.



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  • I enjoy the challenge as I’m a fairly experienced raider however I feel that the damage shown by each player is a pain. Because I normally run well and everyone is throwing or shooting a super. Their damage is more and then they kick you. I hate that.



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      Introduce dungeon pantheon. Get more people involved in playing your game.



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    • Should have just brought back the leviathan raids



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    • 由magister1001编辑: 5/15/2024 5:31:02 AM
      Not being that constructive but I haven’t stepped foot in it and I have every other raid seal etc. This is more a function of the team I had having lost interest in destiny and not having the time to find and grow a new one (and knowing that’s the only way I’d get week 4 and probably week 3 done). So imagine it will mainly appeal to people that have strong teams already and gatekeep out anyone else who doesn’t have time to commit to getting the full meta loadouts to take down each encounter and have at least three or four committed teammates. So this is targeting a pretty small percentage of the destiny population that will give them a cool title to show off. If objective is twitch/youtubeviews and providing the opportunity for that flex then it’s spot on. If the objective is to generate broader engagement in raiding as a lead in to TFS then it’s probably a fail. It’s kind of like a pretty extended contest mode. As a collector of seals - then for me it will disengage me from a lot of stuff as this one is going to be the first zero. So staying flawless there is now a bust and no longer a goal. (Albeit a pretty stupid goal!)



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      • All good except timer. Certain bosses would be nearly impossible to kill to get high score when difficulty be + 20 (Caretaker for example). Maybe you need to extend time for certain bosses in future. What about difficulty, I would rather not listen complains about "make this more casual". If players want casualty, there are normal raids, that pretty easy to beat now. Because in Pantheon there is nothing to farm. It is only challenge. (Adept loot not worth it. And exotics with red borders... those players, who can beat Pantheon already don't need it).



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      • Platinum time should equal platinum triumph. Pure and simple.



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      • 由Raving_Renzo编辑: 5/13/2024 11:08:13 AM
        One thing that I find annoying, is that when you join though the new fireteam finder it is a gamble where they are at. I wanted a fresh run, but couple of times I Had to leave the fireteam because I ende up at an encounter halfway. It would be better that In the new fireteam finder you can specify which encounter the team is at. Also people do not read the fireteam description. "Mic required", but half the team joining has no mic..... I guess it is more fireteam finder related issue than Pantheon, but it is an effect of people thinking they can just do the Pantheon because it seems presenterf as a casual activity but it is not.



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        • Would be more accessible without the need of 6 guardians most of us dont want to use lgf and play with small fireteams. Raids are basically inaccessible. As someone who majority of the time is playing alone. Im tired of all the good exotics being tied to raids exclusively. It alienates solo and promotes elitistism in the community. Raid mechanics seem more for puzzle enjoyers and simple boss gauntlet without raid mechanics is what the community wants.



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          • 由XPLOSION编辑: 5/15/2024 5:46:37 AM
            Why the power limit? Thats a barrier to new lights and discouraging to previous raiders that don’t want to carry or struggle for “mediocre” loot at best. [spoiler]Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bon!👋 🤖 [/spoiler]



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          • I think we need checkpoints. As they add encounters it takes more time to beat and the average working player with a family doesnt have the time to raw dog the entire thing. I know theres breakage but its the third week, come on.



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            • For my normal raid team of 6, who play on doing day 1 of the new raid, this is an excellent warm up and gives us all something to do every Tuesday night. It has also let us experiment with what damage weapons are effective right now. A couple of our guys were also missing a few red borders, so this helped cap that off as well. The only thing that absolutely BEWILDERS me, is the fact that your end screen lists score for each encounter. Like, come on, this literally makes me think you guys don't play your own game. Who the hell cares about score??? We need our damage numbers to know whose builds were more effective and what weapons we should all be using.



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              • I love it and can't wait for the next iteration.



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              • Since into the light, it’s been the most fun destiny has been in a long time. Pantheon gives me something to look forward to every Tuesday and this weeks difficulty is perfect. It should be the standard for normal raids. My only concern is the final pantheon is only available for 2 weeks. Any one that cannot play those weeks will not get the god slayer tittle.



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              • I mean if we get more time as power lowers it'll be fine and I'm not saying that much time just a bit more. Overall my only complaint is the timer I don't do good under pressure so the activity might not be for me but really it expects us to be absolutely perfect when the game itself isn't, no offense. Like when I went through it Gogolroth wouldn't turn around and acretaker hid behind the pillar sometimes and even ended dps early without reaching threshold.



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              • It's asking me for quest progress for the new week of pantheon. What quest it talking about?



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                • Would be nice if when i got 540k score i got the triumph for planets when its supposed to be 500k+



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                • The platinum threshold needs to be clear and set to where if you do the mechanics and beat the boss in a timely manner, you accomplish platinum instead of jumping through loops to get points. The rest is dependent on if a gamer is raider or not. Everything isn’t going to be accessible. Example, a solo player will probably not be good at raiding and will probably have a bad interaction with this activity.



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                • You needed to be more explicitly clear who this mode was made for- judging by half the feedback on this thread you clearly missed the mark. The mode itself is a lot of fun; I wish this is what master raids were and not add random champion. Plat time should guarantee high score threshold met or it needs to be more clear what the score threshold is at the bare minimum



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                • 1.) There’s a weird dissonance between the rewards and difficulty. The difficulty and platinum are heavily geared towards experienced raiders, but the rewards are very mid if you actually play these raids frequently. 2.) The time commitment is a bit much at times. If you’re not someone with a regular raid group, this becomes an extremely lengthy ordeal. 3.) This activity has the same feel as Day 1 raid race. That it’s meant as a twitch or YouTube thing for only the top teams in the world, especially as the weeks continue to get harder. This type of activity is nice to have, but the heavy focus on this doesn’t always feel good for more casual players. 4.) Messaging for the event was also not great. I know a bunch of clan-mates who thought it would be a great time to hop in and learn for less experienced raiders. It’s not. It turns into a slog trying to teach and actively turns people off from raiding. It’s a neat event, but it needs some tweaking before it comes back again.



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                • The bonus time being a necessity for platinum has made the gatekeeping strong. But the general difficulty isn't terrible. It's just heavy damage checks on bosses known for short damage time.



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                • It’s a great concept but many experienced people either aren’t playing it or if they are they do not want to play with people who are less experienced. Many new people can’t get through it and just give up. If Pantheon is meant to attract less experienced people to raids, then increasing the difficulty level each week doesn’t help matters. This is gonna be a topic where half the people like it and others do not.



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                • The tornados spawned during planets don't really give time to react I was swapping a planet and mid swap I just died because the tornado spawned right on top of me. I'd say add a warning of some kind of have it start in the middle then go around the sides.



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                  • How about make it easier with less forgiving mechanics so everyone can jump in and try….and give raid weapons and exotics…i mean really the only players playing already have most of the legend raid weapons….trying to do these old raids is hard enough trying to even find anyone playing….even with lfg…



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                  • There should only be one change per encounter Golg- perfect Gatekeeper - ads for stunners perfect Planets - either fire tornado OR you HAVE to kill the tormentor (if not it’ll wipe you) Deep stone crypt - perfect Oryx - either add the multiple nights OR the tormentors



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