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由DefinatelyMike编辑: 5/17/2024 5:57:38 AM

Missing Ghost Mods

I seem to be missing ghost mods in the activity section, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. Mods are missing from both exotic and legendary ghost shells for me but are unlocked in collections. Primarily I would like lesser core harvest (vanguard) but I'm missing so much more. If someone can point me in a direction so I can rectify this that would be very helpful.



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  • Hey there. Many ghost mods were compressed together into a single mod, as of Season of the Wish. Lesser Core Harvest (Vanguard, Gambit, Crucible) became 'Core Harvest', the first one in your screenshot. Likewise the Greater Core Harvest mods became 'Prism Harvest', the second one in your screenshot. The different Modularity and Prosperity mods have been handled in the same way.



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