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5/19/2024 11:58:54 PM

This game has a problem...

Bungie. You guys need to change things. I'm getting very tired of going into Onslaught, even just the 10 round, and people contribute nothing; just standing at the activity spawn. Do the 50 round, they often ditch somewhere. There's always one. I've gotten to 50 plenty, but its still pretty sh*tty when this stuff happens. This happens in Strikes too. Though I won't say how much lately because I haven't done much there, but it has been a persistent problem in the past. I can't imagine its gotten better at all. These people do just enough to stay connected and piss off the people they're engaging with. I will leave every single activity someone is doing this. I'm not carrying people, literally doing nothing. It will always exist in some capacity, but it is beyond acceptable currently. Alternatively, just design everything for solo, with a separate tab for matchmaking. You've already implemented team scaling. [spoiler]I'm fine if players struggle to keep up. As long as they're engaging the activity and contributing in some helpful way (even just ad clear) and not being toxic, they're fine. I will gladly run the activity with them. This situation happens way too often though. Its almost every other Onslaught at this point. Part of the reason is this playerbase is just that awful, but a good chunk of how awful people get is because of how stingy this company is with player activity rewards. Its gotten better, but Onslaught rewards are absolutely abysmal for the double roll chances, which is the only real reason most seem to do it. I enjoy it, but its getting old with this awful grind. People are tired of dealing with this bullsh*t though, and I know that's part of why this is happening, because the developer does not respect player time investment. Its a videogame. Its time to get over this whole "elite" thing because all its doing is making everything infinitely worse. Players and devs need to get over themselves. This IS a customer service, afterall. It is a live service game that's meant; or at least should be meant to be engaged by the majority of the playerbase through and through. If you respected player time like normal, decent developers, you'd have a lot less issues with people.[/spoiler]



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