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由Pope, Defiler of Bed Linen编辑: 5/22/2024 12:50:31 PM

PVE main tries PVP

This is the type of matchmaking I have when I step into pvp and we all know this is the real reason why non-pvp players choose to never play pvp. It's not because we are bad and haven't had much practice, it's because matchmaking is and always has been horrible. I accept that I am bad at pvp, but me being bad has nothing to do with the type of teams I'm given and the type of teams I'm matched against. I would like to hop into crucible and have a moderately balanced game where it's nearly head to head, not this 8, 7, 4, 3, 2 combat efficiency team VS 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 combat efficiency team. Sadly enough, I was the 1 and I would have been much higher if I had a better team backing me up or at the very least doing anything at all. This post was mainly intended for Bungie or anyone affiliated with Bungie to look more into their matchmaking system and fix whatever outlier protection, sbmm they have in place because it is not working. I would like to pvp every once and a while and not regret my decision every single time. Thanks



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  • 由Sho'nuff编辑: 5/22/2024 3:39:59 PM
    Yeah that does suck, I have been in a ton of those, I'm definitely not good or anything, at my best, I'm slightly above average but I get absolutely worked all the time. I have also been on the winning side of those lopsided matches quite a bit. It's weird how it works out sometimes. I try to use the below quote from philosopher Marshawn Lynch as my motto while playing Crucible 😂: "I know I'm gon' get got. But I'm gon' get mine more than I get got tho."



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