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5/21/2024 9:52:44 PM

Been a while since I cried at a game (spoilers for weekly mission)

It was just so special seeing the new weekly mission final boss being a remake of the final boss of the D1 Y1 campaign. A boss which I first defeated after 2 hours of trying when I was 9 years old. That’s pretty much all I have to say. Bungie, you can be immensely frustrating at times with the decisions you make for the game but it’s things like this that remind me why I was end up coming back.



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  • I played destiny 1 since day 3 and destiny was a large formative part of my life. When I beat this mission I felt like patchy the pirate: “That’s it? [i]That’s[/i] the final mission?” It was lackluster and had no buildup compared to the version in destiny one. They don’t even have the music change when you beat each of the Minotaurs, because unlike then you can just breeze thru them now. They didn’t even use the area from Destiny one leading up to the heart, they just recycled star crossed and parts of garden.



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