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5/21/2024 9:52:44 PM

Been a while since I cried at a game (spoilers for weekly mission)

It was just so special seeing the new weekly mission final boss being a remake of the final boss of the D1 Y1 campaign. A boss which I first defeated after 2 hours of trying when I was 9 years old. That’s pretty much all I have to say. Bungie, you can be immensely frustrating at times with the decisions you make for the game but it’s things like this that remind me why I was end up coming back.



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  • While the mission was basic to play, and yes reused content, I also liked the little spike of nostalgia. But what I like more is if you pay attention it explains what the Vex were doing with the Black Heart all those years ago. Bungie actually tied up a loose end. Now if we could just get an explaination for: The Queens Wrath monthly event we got... Once. Space Aids. Will the Cryptard ever get what he deserves for killing the other Cryptard dude. How is it for I think 3 expansions the starting mission saw us desperately fighting into a heavily fortified location only to get in and find... Zavala already there. The Black Forge, why spend over a week figuring out puzzles to open the door, why didn't we just fly into the massive hole in the roof? Fishing. I mean really its great and all but why can we only fish in very specific locations at specific times? Are the fish really that regimented/migrational? If Wrath of the Machine ever comes back will Bungie finally rename it to "Aksis Denied?" Why could Ikora break unbreakable barriers with her Nova bomb and we can't? And why did she stop doing that? If fact, why did she stop doing anything? The Factions. Why and why? There are so many others but I need to go to bed. Feel free to add more.



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