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5/22/2024 2:22:11 PM

Triton Vice not in Lost Sector rotation

I have completed 20+ of Master Lost sectors on Arm days, and have received multiple copies of every possible exotic arm for hunter except for one. Not a single Triton Vice drop. Is it not available through Lost Sectors anymore? From all info I have gathered online, Lost Sector is the only possible way to get it still, aside from Mara with Wish Token. so I am confused. Was this intended or a bug?



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  • Why anyone is still running lost sectors for exotics they don’t have is beyond me. Just run the Vex Strike Force event when it comes up, you’re guaranteed an exotic you don’t have, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the newer ones weighted more to drop? Haven’t run a legend/master lost sector for exotics since before Lightfall dropped.



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