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由jhermannITJ编辑: 5/23/2024 2:03:03 AM

PSA: Solo Loot Farm Dreaming City Lost Sectors 22nd-24th.

I can confirm that Brave weapons drop from Lost Sectors. It's rng but it happens. +Prisms 1-2 Enhancement Cores Double seasonal Engrams for all Vendors LS Weapons (dbl perks on Master clears) 2 tokens per clear Banshee Engrams Riven Rep Glimmer For easy fast Lazy clears on Legend or Master. I'm doing Masters in 4-5 mins per. 3-4 min Legend. Use Thunderlord today in Aphelion's Rest. 20 tokens per Hr minimum Oh, & of course exotics. Next 3 days and IF DC rotates back through one more time. 😇 👍💠



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  • They seem to have been added to a variety of loot pools. Since the Tuesday reset I’ve received BRAVE weapons upon completing a Nightfall on Hero difficulty, opening the chest in a non-Legendary Lost Sector on the Moon and even from claiming a Daily ITL Bounty from Shaxx. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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