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5/30/2024 9:21:11 PM

Season 23 (Season of the wish) is active, with no correlated purchase or receipt

I logged into Destiny today before the release of final shape. I have not played since around June of 2023, with my last activities relating to the season of plunder. I did not purchase or play season of seraph, defiance or deep (19,20,21). I did not purchase the Lightfall annual pass or deluxe edition, but I did purchase Lightfall standard edition. Logging in today, the latest season 23 is currently active, as if I had paid for it. I have no receipts for this, it's not in my Eververse or Silver transaction history log. Is there any reason, that I am missing, as to why Season 23 is active. It's a shame to see this only with 4 days left on the season.



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