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由Keggr编辑: 6/1/2024 10:45:40 AM

D1 Vet looking for a Fun Us based Clan

Hi there, I’m keggr. I’ve been playing Destiny since D1 alpha, and I’ve loved it ever since. I’ve been in a few clans along the way, but none of them seemed to be a good fit for me. I’m looking for a group that enjoys planning and playing together, has an active discord, and wants to add more friendly guardians to their ranks! HMU if this sounds like a clan you know!



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  • Hey here is a copy of my clan post let me know if you think you'd like to join! Hi everyone I'm Jet an admin of our clan Slaynihilate. We are a small laid back group of guardians that love to play destiny. We are looking to add a few more guardians to our ranks to do more endgame pve such as raids, trials of osiris, grandmaster nightfalls and other end game content. We would like to add some laid back guardians who are over 21. Message me on PSN or on here my gamertag is everyonehatesjet. Either me, the clan leader, or another admin will have to play with you first to see if you are a good fit for the clan. We do this to make sure we have good quality guardians with a sense of team play and respect in our clan. We want everyone in the clan to feel welcome and appreciated amongst our ranks so we do our best to include everyone we can in various activities. To sum up our clan it is perfect for skilled and semi skilled players who are looking to do endgame content while laughing rather than having someone yell at you for making a mistake. Lfgs can be painful which is why we would love to build a group that can always rely on each other for help and everything in-between. If you are a mature laid back guardian then this clan is for you. Good luck with your search and thank you for taking the time to read our post.



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