DEADLINE [07/01/24]
The Rules
- All Submissions must include the provided [DMT INTRO] clip provided in #dmt-intro
- Videos Must range Between (1-5 mins)
- The Clips must be from Destiny 1 , Destiny 2 Clips may be merged but the video must
include Destiny 1
- All Montages Must be submitted into the Google Drive folder and uploaded to YouTube/Submission Channel:
-1st Place : $50, D2 Emblem, DMT and Azimuth exclusive clothing , Feature on CarefulGiraffe's Channel,
DVD of DMT compilation , Azimuth 8 DVD
-2nd Place : DMT Clothing , DMT Compilation DVD , Azimuth 8 DVD ,
-3rd Place : DMT T-Shirt , DMT Compilation DVD
- At the End of the deadline all participants in the channel will vote on each montage
The Azimuth Clan will have a seperate Voting on each montage
- We will talii up the votes at the end and decide the winners
- In the Event Of a Tie The community will vote between the two remaining Videos
- Submissions will be organized into a youtube playlist on CarefulGiraffe's Youtube
Good Luck Everyone !
Azimuth 2024