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6/9/2024 5:54:48 PM

Final Shape Weapon Shaping Bug(?): 'Requires Season 20'

I'm hoping this is just a noob question that has already been answered, but I couldn't find anything on either Reddit or D2 forums that specifically address my issue: Context: I unlocked the Perpetualis weapon crafting prior to the Final Shape dropping. I also purchased all of the DLC up through the Final Shape, but I never played during Season of the Witch (the season I believe this weapon dropped in). For reference, the pattern is 100% unlocked when I look at it under the 'Patterns and Catalysts' tab. Issue: When I go to to Savathun's throne world to shape the weapon (as I've done with Scalar Potential), I see text that says "Requires Destiny 2: Season 20". Has anyone else encountered this / know if it's just a bug that needs to be patched? System: PC (Steam)



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