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由itsgroot编辑: 6/12/2024 7:53:07 PM

Episodes Are Literally Seasons

Honestly I feel lied to. Episodes were meant to replace seasons, but they LITERALLY function the same. Play for a week, get the thing or the random new currency, use it, listen to comms between characters, wait another -blam!- week until you can progress. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PROBLEM, BUNGIE. How long must we complain before you actually make a change? -blam!- you were doing so good with the DLC and now we're back to the same layout we've LITERALLY had for years now. The only thing you've changed is the name. Edit: When a company does something wrong and the first thing you do is try to blame the buyer, that's when you know you've been brainwashed to be free damage control. If they get free, dedicated defenders, that means they can keep doing the same thing over and over no matter how egregious it is.



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  • Surprised anyone thought it’d be anything different. If we get 3 high quality “seasons”, I will be satisfied as imo that’s better than one or two great seasons and then two middling or bad seasons. I also personally enjoy having time to breathe in between content drops. I never saw anything inherently wrong with the seasonal model beyond the predictability and lack of consistent quality so if Episodes fix that then that’s fine by me.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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