Extra Dyadic Prism I can't remove from my inventory
I had a dyadic prism on 2 of my characters (hunter & titan), handed it in on titan for my first ergo sum, but now I have no quest and no way to remove the dyadic prism from my hunters inventory. It can't be dismantled, or vaulted via DIM.
I've attached a dim screenshot of me having the prism & ergo sum at the same time; it looks exactly the same in my in-game inventory.
I believe how this came about is that I swapped characters for bounty popping at this stage in the quest series, forgot I wasn't back on my titan who I did the campaign on, so I picked it up, then quickly realised my mistake, swapped back to titan, and picked it up again. I completed the prism hand in on Titan, completing the account wide quest step.
Is there any way this can be removed from my account?
This has got no traction so far - just want to bump and say this is a real issue and it has an exceedingly rare origin so nobody is talking about it.
I'd hate to have 1 less energy slot inv space on my hunter for the rest of time.