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由senorgreen12编辑: 6/13/2024 1:51:37 AM

Cross-save help

I am unable to authenticate my save file because the email attached was hacked and everything was forced logged out. However, the person I played with the most and my clan leader are willing to verify that this is my account, as they know what happened (I can have others verify as well if needed, but I didn't play with them as much). If there is any other way, I can verify this please let me know. Bungie Please Help (I understand that I will have to rebuy dlc)



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  • Hey there, unfortunately the only form of verification Bungie accepts is verification through the platform's own systems. So you have to be able to log into the accounts. Losing the linked email address shouldn't be a problem, you can still contact the platform support and get them to link it to a new email address.



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