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6/21/2024 6:33:49 AM

Competitive matchmaking remains a -blam!- show

2 of the last 9 matches, my team only won two of the last 9 matches in competitive. Of those , only one of the loses was an actually competitive match, the rest were slaughters. Raises the question, what the -blam!- is wrong with your matchmaking? Or is it cheaters in most matches? People using Cronus? Connection based matchmaking -blam!- over those with good internet? Countless instances of :hitting people 3 times and they are left with life, getting two tapped, getting hit through walls, punching people twice and they don’t die, dying instantly upon spawning, and more. Returned after not playing for 8 months and crucible is still a -blam!- show. It was possible to move up in competitive as a solo player in the past, I was able to earn not forgotten when pinnacle weapons were a thing. Now the only achievable rank is gold 3? -blam!- ridiculous, you -blam!- holes need to figure this -blam!- out you bunch of -blam!- nerds.



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