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7/4/2024 12:37:16 PM

Crossplay Crashing Constantly, Fine in Solo

Hey All, Was having a lot of crashes since TFS launched. Disabling my ESET antivirus seems to fix it for when I'm solo. However, playing with friends, especially when they're on consoles, and I start crashing very often - mainly during the first few missions of TFS. Makes grinding through it on legendary a real drag when boss fights crash me to desktop, and then try to relaunch from steam and get instant BSOD (BEDaisy.sys). I found the destiny AppData crash logs and uploaded the crash drump folder from after it did it's normal crash - this one was during the Requiem boss fight. [url=]Google drive link here [/url] I've verified, cleared download cache on Steam, reinstalled, etc. crashes feel pretty random and constant :( seems to work fine on my laptop though, which is much lower spec'd... this desktop is an i9-13900k and a 4080, which i've noticed most other users complaining about crashes also have. hope this helps, please help bungie!



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