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由Talia Sendua编辑: 7/5/2024 11:41:50 AM

Unbreakable Titan aspect needs either a buff or a fix.

I just had a Hunter in PvP kill me while using Unbreakable with more than enough energy by shooting 3 rounds of his machine gun at me frontally. Meanwhile in PvE I can block so much -blam!-. Idk if it is intentional, but if it is why the hell do we have a blocking-aspect if it isn't allowed to block the real meaningful -blam!- in PvP? Edit: I just did see that you create a barrier + an overshield while using it. But the barrier doesn't actually block anything, it is just there for the damage absorbtion. If your overshield (that constantly recharges) gets destroyed, you take damage. WHO THE F CAME UP WITH THAT DESIGN?



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