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7/5/2024 12:36:13 AM

Prophecy needs a dungeon exotic

Think about it. Every other dungeon has one. Why should Prophecy have no exotic?



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  • 由Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds编辑: 7/5/2024 4:38:57 PM
    Dungeons have been sort of squandered generally speaking. The first two(Throne and Pit) don’t have their own loot. Prophecy launched with random reissues and doesn’t have an exotic. They are the only activity in the game that completely lacks player agency and bad luck protection for weapon chases. When TFS launched their weapons(minus the recent Prophecy reissue) were excluded from enchantment capability. They eventually became a separately paid for thing(minus deluxe edition expansion purchase) despite the lack of attention they’ve received when it comes to general QoL that we’ve seen basically everywhere else in the game. I find the desire to purchase them gets less and less each expansion because of this. Like if there was a cheaper deluxe version that excluded them I would have gotten that because they’ve become the least replayed PvE activity among my clan/friends because of that complete lack of agency and bad luck protection. After the first run everyone kind of just CPs the final until they get the exotic and then never touches them again. Or if it’s Ghosts they just stopped trying for the exotic because that dungeon is such a long and obnoxious slog.



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