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7/21/2024 3:05:39 AM

Remove competitive match bans and rant

Why am I getting banned from trials for the game crashing? This whole system of leaving a match before completion is quite toxic from the dev team. Regardless if you leave manually, close app or game crashes, you get a ban. For a studio who doesn't want toxicity in their game they are quite toxic themselves. Forcing players to fully play a match they are having a miserable time in is an aweful experience to force onto your playerbase. Not only is it wasting that players time but also discouraging them from wanting to continue playing the mode. If bungie truly cared about their passionate playerbase then they shouldn't disrespect them or try to squeeze out as much time from them. At the end of the day it's just a game and shouldn't be turned into a glorified checklist second job.



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  • 由Salty-47编辑: 7/21/2024 4:38:08 AM
    The game crashing or error coding is one thing. Granted, I don't think they can do much about it crashing, but they could probably figure something out for the error coding part. However, straight up leaving a match just cause your losing isn't an argument. That is the exact reason why the ban is even a thing. If you think it's toxic to stay in a match just because you start to lose or are down a few points or rounds, then you are the toxic one. It ruins other players' matches when 1 person leaves after a slight disadvantage of any kind. If your rage quitting matches and getting banned, then those people deserve it. Don't ruin others' matches and time just because a match isn't going how you wanted. If you have such an issue with getting banned for leaving on purpose, then don't play the mode or don't complain if you get banned. And as you stated, at the end, it is just a game, so if you aren't enjoying it or certain aspects of the game, then either don't play those parts or don't play it at all.



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