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7/23/2024 2:45:10 AM

Bug Report

ISSUE: When hitting a volatile target with thorn, the poison seems to be cleansing the target of volatile. If they are poisoned before volatile is applied, it appears you can keep shooting the target without it removing volatile. This happens with all methods of volatile application REPRO STEPS: Step-by-step instruction list on how to reproduce this bug, try to be as succinct as possible: Step 1. Apply volatile through any means to a target Step 2. Shoot them with thorn. ACTUAL RESULT: The volatile disappears from the target entirely. EXPECTED RESULT: The target is volatile and poisoned. LINKS: NOTES: I dont know how this happened but I dont recall it breaking when void 3.0 first was released. I went through all the update patch notes since to see if this has ever been addressed and thus presume it is not supposed to be doing this. If you make the target volatile and then immediately shoot them with thorn it does not occur but after what looks to be a second or two the thorn poison application will remove the volatile entirely from them. I also tested to see if overload handcannon was causing it but it doesnt seem to affect it at all. This happens with any application of void regardless from void subclass abilities, prismatic abilities, exotics, and weapon perks and does not seem to be the result of any mods being equipped. The inconsistency is really frustrating and I hope this can help it be fixed.



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