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7/26/2024 3:14:41 AM

Feedback from a new player

My friends got me into D2 long enough to tide me over for PoE 3.25 tomorrow. It's been fun, and it's similar to a few different games I enjoy playing, but different enough to stand alone. I played enough to reach 2000 power level and solo Warlord's Ruin after tons of deaths. Overall I'd give the game a 6.5/10. Here's some feedback: 1. Learning curve is steep. I understand there's content bloat, but still something I wanted to mention. 2. Difficulty is all over the place. The jump in difficult seems to be due in part to simply 'turning up the dials' on health and damage, but also on enemy AI. As I tried more difficult content, enemies seemed to continue to be aware of where I was even behind cover, and would continue to fire large, AoE rounds into the ground next to me making it impossible to run and impossible to hide. They also became deadly accurate, with the ability to follow whatever zig-zag pattern I tried to run. This could just be something I need to learn to play better as a new player, but it was very often frustrating. 3. PvP nearly made me quit. The PvP modes have draw to them due to 'Pinnacle' rewards, but as a new player (not a new gamer) I consistently saw myself paired against players I found to have thousands and thousands of hours in the game. I don't personally enjoy PvP, and I know I won't always find new players like myself in matchmaking, but it seemed much more common to simply toss me in with the wolves. There wasn't a single moment of playing PvP I can recall enjoying. 4. Defense/defensive options seem pointless. Again this could simply be me not understanding certain mechanics, but I got to a point where I decided to try to be as tanky as I could outside Song of Flame. 100% resilience, amplified with artifact, facet of protection, transcendent. It feels to me like I'm being asked to play a lot of minigames in order to achieve a state of tankiness, but even when it's all there, I still simply get 2-shot by some large void cannon, or even 1-shot by a sniper I didn't notice due to lack of game knowledge and awareness. It was [b]incredibly[/b] disappointing and dissatisfying to find out just how delicate I was even with every buff up, as I thought I'd worked quite hard as a new player to identify and achieve these things. 5. Stats should scale linearly or scale better as they get higher, not worse. I'm not a game dev, so this one doesn't come with all that much thought put into it, but when I first started playing and recognized that stats have a cap of 100, I figured that with no 'soft cap' they would simply scale in a linear fashion. I don't feel like I should be punished for investing in CD for my grenade if I want to use it more often, because those 10 stats mean :06s off the grenade, but they could mean nearly 2min off my super. There are a lot of methods in the game to min/max around getting to the next 10 value of any given stat, but it feels more like I'm forced to put 100 points into X stat simply because I don't have an easy way to reset my grenade/melee/super/ability, but I can do it for all my other things.



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  • The ads can be very... not sure what the word is. When your health gets in the red, they will immediately turn away from another target and gang up on you, shoot around corners, spam attack you. I'm surprised you didn't mention how big of a failure Bungie is at guiding you to and through tasks. It's literally impossible for me to figure out what to do sometimes without looking it up online. The game just doesn't explain it as well as it should.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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