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7/25/2024 10:00:24 PM

Twitch emblems

after the bungie foundation stream with the "born of this" emblem being available. I watched the required time and then redeemed the code. usually takes a few minutes for the processing but then I'm able to apply the emblem in game shortly after. I did this and then realized that it didn't go through. I checked around bungie help and someone suggested going to the partnered section of the emblem redeem site. So i checked there and It mentioned that it was an unknown drop ( i would assume this be the new emblem and its just taking some time). But then i notice that 2 of the emblems from the pantheon twitch drops said that I had collected them but i don't have access to them in game. Wasn't sure if anyone else was having this issue, that some twitch drops just disappearing.
#Help #emblems



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