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8/5/2024 2:30:51 AM

Major Bug Trials Passage of Persistence

Hey all, TL/DR is it didn’t give me the adept weapon after 7 wins, more details below: Normally when I have run this passage this season it kept the card flawless when you lost (tho obviously taking away lighthouse access). When I logged on today, at first my hunter (current main) couldn’t access trials despite having 5/7 on the card. After reading some posts about similar issues, I swapped to my warlock, got the pass, and swapped back again. During this process I noticed the passage had become flawed, I figured with how matchmaking works that must have been the original intent (passage becoming flawed, allowing performance based matchmaking and restricting access to the lighthouse but still awarding adept). As such, I completed the card, but got no adept weapons. @Bungie please help, I have a picture but am on mobile and it won’t let me upload from my phone.



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  • Hey there, Thank you for reporting. The passage of persistence can be a little confusing but if you lose the match with 0 wins, your card will be flawed. Leaving the match or getting DCed also will flaw your cards. This means, in order to prevent card resets, you MUST win two matches in a row so your win-tally never goes below 1. You can win the first match, lose it, and then win two more and it will NOT ruin the card.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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