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8/11/2024 8:56:20 PM

Burried Bloodline Drop Rate: 0.0

Hello, I am still failing to get the exotic weapon in the Warlords Ruin Dungeon! I play it three times each week with Warlock, Hunter, Titan since 2023! And the Weapon did not drop yet. I am at 84 runs now! Made it on Grandmaster sometimes and I also made some triumphs, I even got all bones and stuff. Nothing changes. Nothing drops...I am so done with that dungeon...



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  • Sounds about right… Pro tip, the more you want the exotic the less likely it is to drop. Now hear me out on this, I’ve done the math. The only weapon I’ve ever been interested in as far as Raids and Dungeons were concerned was Touch of Malice. So naturally I had to wait until Pantheon came out to get it 80+ runs. The exotic from Warlords… 3rd completion, I have never touched it since. So don’t want that… whatever it is, and it will drop for you. Of course to really play some natural mind gymnastics just stop doing the run altogether. Then the next time you casually complete it… BOOM! You’ll have it. But… by then you’ll not want it…



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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