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8/20/2024 6:57:27 PM

Missing Encryption Bits/Khvostov Quest Bug

Hello, I have 9/16 Lost Encryption Bits and am unable to acquire more. This issue is not listed in your "Known Issues Article" ( I've been experiencing this bug since launch of TFS and I haven't seen any acknowledgment of the problem anywhere. Please let us know a rough ETA for the fix since it seems to be trivial enough not to list as an actual issue. Thanks!



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  • Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! If you haven’t acquired all of the Encryption Bits yet, make sure you’ve collected all region chests in the Pale Heart and searched all of the rubble piles in the Cyst activities. After you’ve interacted with all the intended chests and rubble piles, you should receive the Lost Encryption Code, regardless of the number of bits that have appeared in your inventory. If you're still having trouble, please also make sure you've completed the Gilded Treasure and One Man's Trash triumphs. If the issue persists, please capture a video highlighting the issue and upload it to YouTube, then send us the link. We'll be glad to pass it along to the developers for investigation.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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