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由Dani3108编辑: 10/9/2024 2:14:52 PM

Updated list of wrong orbit locations for several activities and maps

This new episode has brought some new activities, and most of them have the wrong orbit. [b]Episode: Revenant: [/b] Onslaught Salvation: Eventide Ruins map - Orbit should be [u][b]Europa[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead Onslaught Salvation: Kell's Grave map - Orbit should be [u][b]Tangled Shore[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead Last City seasonal hub: - Orbit should be [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]The moon[/b][/u] instead - Most likely a leftover of the helm when it was orbiting the moon [b]Episode: Echoes:[/b] Cirrus Plaza crucible map: - Orbit should be [u][b]Neptune[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead - Video: [url][/url] Eventide Labs crucible map: - Orbit should be [u][b]Europa[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead - Video: [url][/url] Crota's End Raid: - Orbit should be [u][b]The Moon[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead - Video: [url][/url] The Whisper exotic mission: - When launching the activity, we should see our ship flying towards [u][b]Io[/b][/u] - It flies towards [u][b]Nessus[/b][/u] instead. (The musical tune belongs to Io though) - Video: [url][/url] Ghost of the Deep dungeon (And by extension, Crucible/Gambit maps taking place on Titan) - Orbit should be [u][b]Titan[/b][/u] - It orbits [u][b]Earth[/b][/u] instead - Video: [url][/url]



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