Platform: Steam
The enhanced intrinsics when crafting the Aberrant Action only give +8 to any stats despite the description saying +10. This happens for all the enhanced intrinsic stats. [url][/url]
Hey there, what level is the weapon?
At level 20, an enhanced intrinsic grants +10 to the chosen stat and + 2 to some others, generally it is all the stats that can be masterworked.
So the current Blast Radius instrinsic is giving +10 to Blast Radius, +2 to other stats including Reload Speed.
When you switch the intrinsic, you lose the +2 to Reload Speed that Blast Radius was giving, and gain +10 from the Reload Speed intrinsic. So that's a net gain of +8.
Similarly, Blast Radius loses 10, but gains 2, for a net loss of 8.
Other stats are unchanged, they're either getting +2 or they are getting 0.