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9/20/2024 12:33:54 AM

Bungie Name Change

Hey Bungo… As much as I love your game I would very much like to have my name back or even have the ability to make a new name (of which I am certain do not violate your code of conduct). Every time I try to input a name into the website or the mobile app, I am faced with an error. The mobile app tells me that I own a name change token but I still cannot change it. I am very aware of the bug that has been going around, but frankly I expected more communication between you and your players about this issue. I appreciate that you briefly mentioned it within your twid (several weeks ago), but the issue has still not been fully resolved, and to my knowledge you have made no further mention of it. Please at least give us regular updates about why this MAJOR issue is still ongoing.
#Help #gameplay



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  • Hi there, Thank you for your report. We're seeing a rise in reports about issues with changing names after the fix and are currently investigating. In the meantime, please be sure to refer to our Bungie Name Guide to make sure the name you're trying isn't going against any policies:



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