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由Riven编辑: 9/21/2024 8:40:15 AM

BUNGIE STORE BUG doesn't allow me to buy the ace of spades nerf gun

Me and some friends are having trouble to buy the Nerf weapon "Ace of spades" because when we try to make the purchase we get a warning that the address is invalid because it has a letter that has a grammatical accent. The warning says the following: Provided region contains invalid characters. It is impossible to change this character because they use a menu to select the state, and the state in their menu has a grammatical accent. We are from Nuevo León, Mexico. And exactly in this state is where we can not order it because it does not let us validate the address because of the accent in the word "León". We obviously want to make the purchase and we have already verified that all the other states that do not have a grammatical accent do allow us to validate the shipping and we get the shipping price and we can buy it. But in this particular case of the state of Nuevo León does not let us place any order.



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  • Wrong section of the forum; down here in the basement, we feed people who speak of the "D-Word" to a ravenous pack of capybara. Sure, they look all cute and cuddly, like oversized hamsters, but those little furballs are capable of eating their young; I've seen it first-hand!!!! 👀 If you edit the tag on your post from 'Offtopic' to 'Help' it'll get moved to where someone can provide you with the information you need.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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