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12/19/2024 1:21:27 PM

Possible New Hunter PvP Meta? Thoughts?

So with lnucklehead getting a HUGE nerf it made it not good for pvp now as the duration to relieve the marker is about the same time for most ttk guns in the game, so kinda pointless to use now. Once you break guardian shield you also have to hit them AGAIN to even have the mark placed so yeah. What is possible new meta for pvp hunter exotics that could show some light, get there time to really shine. I been enjoying lucky pants myself with Last Word.



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  • Aw boo hoo knucklehead was everywhere and will be still cus ppl suck and can’t use radar so instead just bot walk while ADS’ing pulses/ARs. Having radar up always is the main crutch of that exotic. It’s why we are in pulse laning, nobody pushing sandbox , to put 2 and 2 together for you. Perhaps stop trying to be such a meta hunter and use what’s fun not what everyone is



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