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12/30/2024 7:18:39 PM

Dawning presents invisible in Postmaster

I opened dawning presents in hope for emblems and they went to the postmaster. In the postmaster they are not visible but there are three spaces which seem to be loading in forever and are described as engrams with 0 power. I don't know if they are emblems or what it is, so I don't want to delete them. Same in all postmaster locations, game rebooted - no change. Please help before the emblems go away, I am now afraid to open my other presents.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • Hey there, they are bugged enhancement cores. They are not emblems, and can be safely deleted. Also make sure to have engram slots free in your engram inventory when you redeem 'A Gift in Return', as cores require an empty slot here, and having them full can cause the cores to bug out and appear in the postmaster like this.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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