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2/18/2013 3:48:46 AM

Gang Warfare - the CS:GO Mod (Now Hiring)

So I've been thinking about a mod for Counter Strike: Global Offensive that reaches an ever-present majority of PC gamers whose needs aren't met. Those people who we wish to satisfy are the drunken racists who play arcade shooters at midnight after too many drinks. So why not give them a good laugh? Here's how we'll do it. GANG WARFARE: THE MOD. The mod will consist of maps in tight, bleak, and dirty urban areas, which may be a couple blocks or so. The two teams will be "Bloods" (Red Team) or "Crips" (Blue Team). The objective of the games will be a variation of standard Deathmatch game types called "Turf War", or a mod of the new Hostage game in CS:GO but instead of getting hostages, you break into the other team's Crack House/Meth Lab and grab their goods. Also, in order to entertain these fellows playing our mod, one of the functionalities of gameplay is that all characters will hold their guns at an angle and have a wide area of shooting to represent how poor of shots gangbangers tend to be. Also, when players are shot at or successfully hit an opposing player, their character will scream various urban phrases such as "DAMN, SUCKA'! GET YO' CRACKA ASS DOWN!" or "AWWWW SHIT THESE FOOLS POPPIN' CAPS IN MY ASS!". Surely, outbursts such as these will entertain the player and help signify the reward of actually hitting something. Also, to add a twist, in the buying menu under "gear", players can buy various drugs that will alter gameplay for the player. For example, if a player ingests Crack or Meth before entering the game, they will move at a faster rate and have a warped field of vision, but some distorted shapes. This will add an exciting challenge to the player who is not used to playing under the influence of a methamphetamine. People we need: Character Designers Map Designers Voice Actors and if you have a skill you think will be beneficial, do not hesitate to say so.



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