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5/29/2013 5:18:11 AM

Which doctor do I go to to get diagnosed for post-concussion syndrome?

Well, if you don't remember, I posted a [url=]topic[/url] a bit over two weeks ago, talking about how I hit my head and got a concussion. Well, some people told me to go to the hospital, and I didn't. The next couple days, I was still pretty out of it. Like, I was driving and probably shouldn't have been, but I was going back to my house with some people, and half way to there I start driving towards somewhere else, and they're like, dude where are you going? And I realized I didn't know/remember where I was going, and they had to remind me we were heading home to get my wallet. I couldn't find it, because it was with me the whole time. But anyways, I'm still suffering symptoms and looked it up and found post-concussion syndrome, which I looked at the symptoms and I have a good amount of them. But I was wondering, do I go to a primary care doctor and then he recommends me for a specialist, or do I just go straight to like a neurologist or something?



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