If you look at the Traveler closely you can see it looks damaged in the bottom, possibly from humanity trying to destroy it in the early years. What do you guys think?
Interesting side to take. I never thought of it that way. I think hummanity could have been able to damage it in the golden age, but the traveler is beyond them. It seems to be way above the halos. If you remember them saying that something almost wiped us out, but the traveler saved us. Sadly I don't think the traveler almost destroyed itself to save a race it tried to destroy. There is still a possibility though. However, there might be multiple travelers, so maybe one is evil and actually goes around enslaving races.
No, I think the damage is either from human's salvaging it or its [i]Last Stand[/i] defending us. However, my theory is that the Traveller is alien tech and that Humans were almost stamped out of existence when the owners showed up to reclaim it (end of the Golden Age).
Pretty sure the damage visible was mostly humanity tearing it up for scrap Space magic It's going to fall Calling THAT
Maybe it destroyed the rest of humanity when it was controlled by the fifth race (which is speculated to be able to control the other enemy races) but regained control of itself and now protects the Last City as it feels bad about what it has done.
The way the premise of the game is described I doubt that we attacked it. The Traveler was said to have come to protect us during a catastrophe that nearly wiped humanity out of existence. If it was hostile it would have finished us off.
由SquattingTurtle编辑: 7/17/2013 5:26:14 AM