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7/26/2013 2:18:38 PM

Dr Who movie to be streamed in 200 nations simultaneously

[quote] DOCTOR Who’s 50th anniversary special is to be beamed around the world — at the same time. Global broadcasters yesterday agreed to the “simulcast” to avoid plot leakage. The 3D episode goes out here on November 23 and is expected to air at 8pm on BBC1, so fans in LA will watch at noon while it airs in Sydney at 7am the next day. It has been sold to 200 countries and is expected to reach more than 100 million viewers, making it the biggest-ever global drama simulcast. An insider said: “The 50th anniversary special is a massive deal for fans around the world who were petrified the secrets would leak online the moment it aired in Britain.” The landmark episode — which will also be screened in cinemas in the UK — will be the penultimate outing for Matt Smith who quits as the Doctor on Christmas Day, as revealed by The Sun in March.[/quote] So anybody here going to watch the movie/episode?



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