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由lonepaul2441编辑: 10/20/2013 3:46:01 PM

Do you suffer from Phimosis? *Tight foreskin*

I had relative phimosis where the foreskin is only tight when aroused, after stretching it while in the shower under hot water (To make it bearable) I have now fixed it. It's been suggested as common fix to the problem without needing to be circumcised and you can help the stretching without cutting down the fapping. I was once self concious about the problem but now I know if I keep it up for another week or 2 it'll be a perma fix to the problem. It took me about 2 weeks to fix it. If you wanna know how to stretch it ask away, also do or somebody you know have this problem? PS: I don't care who knows it's a common problem with guys.



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