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由BieberPlaysXbox1编辑: 11/25/2013 5:24:47 AM

Any handheld gaming systems worth buying?

Thinking of purchasing a handheld gaming system. Just so I can play on my couch while watching TV; instead of having to go to the basement to play my console. Are PS Vita or Nintendo 2DS any good? I say 2DS because I hate 3D, so there's really no point in spending extra money for the 3DS is there? I don't even know if I would buy any of these, but if you have them please tell me about them. Thanks. Pros and Cons. etc. I like Pokemon games a lot, but I also own a PS4.



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  • I would say the 3DS, not the 2DS. The 3DS is just much better quality than the 2DS, even if you do not plan on using the 3D, the 3DS is just a more "portable" portable device. In the end it doesn't matter, but that's my opinion. Now, on the topic of 3DS vs Vita, there's barely any competition. I would hold off on the Vita (I'm guessing that there'll be a nice repertoire of games on it by late 2015.) Right now, there are dozens of amazing, high quality games on the 3DS. Out of any gaming system that's come out in the past 3 years, the 3DS is right now the most valid and worthwhile buy.



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