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1/2/2014 8:57:17 PM

Why do people get so butthurt over being called...

I am probably going to answer my own question. So, just take it as a rant. When ever somebody is called "Ignorant" or "Naive" they sometimes take it like an insult, when actually there is nothing really insulting about it. There are other instances where these words are used incorrectly. Like calling somebody ignorant for use of saying that he/she is stupid/retarded/dimwitted/etc. When really, it is none of the above. Ignorant and Naive mean that you are just not educated on a subject because you have not been exposed to it. It is like saying that I am naive/ignorant on how to fly a helicopter. So many people misuse these words... It is ludicrous. Did you guys already know this? Do you agree?



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  • I think being a naif is a little different from being ignorant, but I agree. However, people are usually called ignorant when they try to demonstrate that have some knowledge in a subject; people don't like being told they aren't as smart as they otherwise think they are.



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