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由Progo编辑: 5/6/2014 10:13:29 PM

Concerns about titles and their re-integration

I Agree


I Disagree (explain?)


This is somewhat poorly written, but I think I'll get my point across: The Bnet community is a wild place, it has a lot of awesome people, some really awesome people, and a fair amount of trolls and grumps. What helped me a lot when I first joined were obvious titles. Simply by skimming a group of responses, I could see how the "cool kids" (AKA Mythics) behaved and what was deemed appropriate on this website. The titles I saw denoted good behavior and dedication, and my little nooblet heart wanted nothing more than to be like them. I know this has been addressed, and that we will get a revamped title system with the release of Destiny. But something that concerns me is that next-to-name titles might depend on in-game actions. [b]I don't want a new member to take the advice of some douche who's simply good at videogames, when an obviously superior community member has nothing but the little year tag hidden away on their profile. [/b] Being able to imitate members like Hylebos and Spawn guaranteed I never landed a ban (short of that hilarious bug incident, lel). So, in my own opinion, it is imperative that you bring back titles as our population grows (I mean bring them back BEFORE Destiny is released). This city needs symbols, blah blah, etc. And it is also important that in-game actions do not dictate superiority as a community member, as noobs will listen to whoever they perceive as being the highest ranking person in the room.



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    We agree. What we want to do is install a system that rewards people for deeds and actions that represent a positive influence on the community. You should select your symbols, blah, blah, etc. Previously, they were selected by an algorithm that identified people who posted a lot, but didn't get banned. Can we aspire to loftier heights than hanging out and not getting into trouble? Let's shift this conversation away from what we're not getting (yet), and talk in vague and general terms about what sort of person you think should be an illuminated pillar of this community.



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    66 回复
    • 由Mumz Opt编辑: 1/5/2014 6:44:23 PM
      There is a lot of truth here. Newbies tend to follow the loudest, not realizing 'why' they are loud (sadly the mainstream of folks are like sheep ...). It would be awesome to have some respect visibly standing as the community gets more wound for the game. And so Deej's question does stand ... how to determine such things within a huge and growing community ... ? I'll ponder that and be back.



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    • 由GrandmasterNinja编辑: 1/5/2014 8:02:09 PM
      I agree, I want my blue hat back.



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      4 回复
      • The main problem I see with adding that kind of system is that Bungie wants new members to feel welcome and have their voice heard. Bungie is trying to facilitate a more fair and equal space for discussion. That's why new comments on a thread can be bumped up. It's also why Bungie implement the hashtag system of separating forums and muting. You can talk to who you want and not be bothered with anyone else.



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      • *kicks thread* Get back up there!



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        1 回复
        • I dont know how this will be solved, but Im telling all of you right now, I am known as [i]"Master of Unicorns"[/i] according to 343 industries, and they seemed to know what they where talking about. [spoiler]I claim [i]Master of Unicorns[/i]. Ha. Beat you to it.[/spoiler]



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          6 回复
          • I agree. In game actions should have no correlation on who people act in the community/ forums. In Bungie We Trus7



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          • Bacon.



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            2 回复
            • 由MastaSin编辑: 2/26/2014 6:53:26 AM
              I personally liked the old system, having ranks separated from the games, I could accept two different ranks, your Forum ranks that can show your merits as a forum distinguished member of this community and second rank that is linked to your gaming experience. Even thought this is a forum for video gamers and developers, Forum ranks and video game ranks should be completely separated.



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            • We need a cross between the old system (basically what deej says below is "number of posts without being banned". And I'm being extremely simple in that quote.) and a new one. It is important to be active in the community to put up posts and participate but as we all know some of those posts are inane gibberish. But it's still important to note who's active. I wish I had a fresh take on a new system but don't take away the old one either. Some in game context would be great. Imagine if bungie put out some custom challenges that highlighted being a good community member. Stuff like "helping a person who's never done this quest before" or "saving a fellow guardian from peril". I think your take is only looking at competitive play in which case you are right. But don't forget about cooperative. If you remember back to the vid master challenges there were great community members who helped tons of people get many of those achievements for recon. There's definitely a way to tie in both.



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              1 回复
              • I don't demand a lot. Just a simple potato would be sufficient for me. As long as I'm the only potato.



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                8 回复
                • #Illuminati #Anonymous We are anonymous We do not forgive We do not forget Expect us 2014



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                  9 回复
                  • Very nice thread Progo, you'll be an "Illuminated Pillar" in no time, but you've smacked the bees nest with this. Speaking of bees, thats sort of how i see this community. On one hand we have the workers delivering the nectar (opinions) to the nest, and then some that decide to sting everything in defence of it. The Queen Bee is of course DeeJ, Queen DeeJ… In all seriousness though, my opinion is that the Mythic members of the community came here largely for Halo, but things have changed and Bungie has moved on to Destiny. With a new IP comes a new wave of fans (including myself), some of which have the potential to become legend and be as recognised as some of the more grizzled beasts on here today. My point is, let the new wave of fans in the community flourish along with the old. Give them a chance, hear them out, rather than concentrating on who's been here the longest, giving people titles for lengths of time like some kind of jail sentence shouldn't be a 'thing'. Of course trust is essential, so don't take it away, just put the spotlight on the guys that work the hardest and bring the most nectar back to the nest. Implementing things such as a 'Thread of the Week'? or 'PvP Hero' for the month, and basically providing a platform to stand on for members who work hard in game AND on the forums would be rewarding. Everyone likes a nice little badge or trophy for their profile too, showing off and proving how skilled or knowledgable they are, along with length of time on the frontline. Maybe I'm just ranting, maybe you guys agree, let me know. :)



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                    5 回复
                    • I keep reading "titties"...



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                      7 回复
                      • Agreed.



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                      • 由Ockeghem编辑: 1/4/2014 3:55:20 AM
                        I agree. As long as my title is Emperor of DOOOOOOOOOOM



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                        3 回复
                        • [quote]The titles I saw denoted good behavior and dedication[/quote] I shit posted on B.old just as much as I do now and I'm a Fabled Mythic Member.



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                          4 回复
                          • Plz bungie, plz.



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                          • I'm not sure what this website needs maybe it needs titles or maybe we just need Destiny to come out. At least for me this place is getting more stale as the days go by. Most of the threads in the main page are either collapsed (My own view) or something that I have no interest in. If it weren't for the support forum I'd probably not come here as often.



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                            2 回复
                            • The new title algorithm should take into account age, the frequency and/or number of their bans, the number of "question"-type threads they have gotten the "best answer" for, perhaps their number of followers if it is to also track popularity, and probably a few more bits of data that I can't think up right now.



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                              2 回复
                              • I just agree because it's a needed system, however just cause Mythic have some years on this community doesn't mean they all deserve recognitions. This post make it harder to achieve the goal. It's immature to expect some blue for years. We should be titled for years but for actions we perform. Not just because you're ancient to the cause. You blue glowing post need to be earned not given for set achievements. This is also the answer to a Mythic further down. I just wanted to make sure this was seen and added on to by everyone.



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                              • +1, with the exception that Hyleblas is someone to laugh at rather than imitate. >.>



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                                1 回复
                                • Good explanation and I agree with you.



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                                  3 回复
                                  • I feel like I am after the french revolution and I'm voting for Napoleon...



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                                    1 回复
                                    • I will admit that it's a little silly that my first post on these forums was as an Honourable Member, but I miss titles.



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                                    • This is my first time on this website since September, so I don't know much about what's going on, but I agree with you. I don't care that my mythic is gone, but I'd rather have it not there at all than have it be based on ingame stuff.



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