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由Progo编辑: 5/6/2014 10:13:29 PM

Concerns about titles and their re-integration

I Agree


I Disagree (explain?)


This is somewhat poorly written, but I think I'll get my point across: The Bnet community is a wild place, it has a lot of awesome people, some really awesome people, and a fair amount of trolls and grumps. What helped me a lot when I first joined were obvious titles. Simply by skimming a group of responses, I could see how the "cool kids" (AKA Mythics) behaved and what was deemed appropriate on this website. The titles I saw denoted good behavior and dedication, and my little nooblet heart wanted nothing more than to be like them. I know this has been addressed, and that we will get a revamped title system with the release of Destiny. But something that concerns me is that next-to-name titles might depend on in-game actions. [b]I don't want a new member to take the advice of some douche who's simply good at videogames, when an obviously superior community member has nothing but the little year tag hidden away on their profile. [/b] Being able to imitate members like Hylebos and Spawn guaranteed I never landed a ban (short of that hilarious bug incident, lel). So, in my own opinion, it is imperative that you bring back titles as our population grows (I mean bring them back BEFORE Destiny is released). This city needs symbols, blah blah, etc. And it is also important that in-game actions do not dictate superiority as a community member, as noobs will listen to whoever they perceive as being the highest ranking person in the room.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • 12
    We agree. What we want to do is install a system that rewards people for deeds and actions that represent a positive influence on the community. You should select your symbols, blah, blah, etc. Previously, they were selected by an algorithm that identified people who posted a lot, but didn't get banned. Can we aspire to loftier heights than hanging out and not getting into trouble? Let's shift this conversation away from what we're not getting (yet), and talk in vague and general terms about what sort of person you think should be an illuminated pillar of this community.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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