[quote]Last September Valve launched a small beta for Steam's new family sharing feature, and today it's finally available for everyone. The service lets Steam users share their entire game library with friends and family on up to 10 authorized devices. If you see a friend or family member playing a game you want to check out, you can send them a message requesting authorization. Game saves and achievements will remain separate, however, and the service doesn't work for every one of Steam's games — titles that require a subscription fee or third-party key, for instance, aren't accessible through family sharing. Your account can also only be accessed by one user at a time, so any time you're sharing a game, you won't be able to access it yourself. The feature is available now.[/quote]
This is what Microsoft was going to do with the Xbox One but well, they didn't. Only 1 person can be playing a game from your Steam account at any one time, so that's a bummer, but it's still a great way for your friends to play some of your games every once in a while.
So when Microsoft tried it they were horrible when steam try's it OMG PEESEA MUSTARD RICE PRAISE GABEN
It's like everyone is forgetting the retarded shit MS wanted to pull with their DRM scheme. You know, like 24 check ins and "get an xbox 360 if you don't have perfect internet"
Wait... If someone is playing my copy of Bioshock can I still play a different game on my account? Could I still play Metro last light for instance while they are playing my Bioshock
MS would have had that feature if people didn't bitch about it. Many of those bitchers were people on PCs. gg.
由Halo编辑: 3/2/2014 10:49:09 PMThanks dumbass gamer majority preventing me from having this with my Xbox One. Traditionalist tards.
This is why I was excited for the original policies on the xbox one. That's awesome that you steam users get to enjoy it
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