I'm sure all of you know about the three main classes of Destiny, right? Well, as a Hunter-to-be I'd like to let all of you Titan to be's know that there will be blood.
And when this PVP thing is established, I will see every Titan fall.
[spoiler]See what I did there?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Somewhat friendly competition...[/spoiler]
If you want to kill every Titan you see simply because they do not agree with your opinion, that's fine, but since Destiny is all about co-op, and Titans are 1/3 of that co-op, then you're missing out on 1/3 of Destiny.
Why not acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each class, pick which one fits your preferred play style and skills and parter with others that play a class fitting their own play styles and skills, that way you cover each others weaknesses and compliment each others skills, thus becoming a well rounded team. Or you know, fight because you have a cape and they have a butt-cape.
1 回复
I'll enjoy watching your cape flutter to the ground after my Fist of Havok sends it skyward. :) [spoiler]Also friendly competition[/spoiler]